Friday, December 11, 2020

December 11, 2020

 Welcome back!

English Language Arts:

We have begun reading "Where the Red Fern Grows." Please ensure that your student has access to a copy. The version we will be referencing for page numbers has ISBN number 978044041267.

        **This is a "Classics to Keep" book. Each student should have their own copy to read from and annotate in.

For Poetry, we have been working on "The Bells" by Edgar Allen Poe. We will recite it next Friday (12/18) before Winter Break.


Hello Spartan Family!

This week, we finished up Unit 4 on multiplying and dividing fractions! In our next unit, we will work with decimals, beginning with place value beyond the decimal point. 


Mr. Dorazio


This week we'll be looking at England's Golden Age. Students will use various written and verbal methods to make connections between the events of this period and earlier times.


We continue our investigation into ecosystems and their changes. Next week, we will have an assessment to complete the unit, and we will turn in our research papers.


In Grammar next week, we'll continue working with Possessive Nouns. We will practice using them in sentences, analyzing them, and diagramming them. 

In Writing, we'll continue working on ways to describe people and ourselves with detail and accuracy.

Specials link

5th Grade Contact Info:

5A Lead – Mr. Craig Swanson;

              AT – Ms. Kate Wall;

5B Lead – Mr. Vinny Dorazio;

              AT – Ms. Kate Wall;

5C Lead – Mr. Daniel Coronel;

            AT – Mrs. Kristin Pickett;

5D Lead – Mr. Travis Chisholm;

              AT – Mrs. Kristin Pickett;


If you need us, we’re here! Please do not hesitate to reach out with questions, comments, or concerns.

May 7, 2021

     Welcome back!   Important Information Next Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday all 5th graders will be taking their STAAR tests.      Tues...